About the app

The "viewed" mark does not appear on "MOVIE" or "RADIO" that have already been viewed.
The viewed mark can be found on the "sakanaction APP" (smartphone only).
It will only be displayed when viewing "MOVIE" or "RADIO".

After the layout renewal (iOS 4.1.0/Android 4.1.0) of the "sakanaction APP" implemented on January 31, 2023,
When you watch "MOVIE" or "RADIO", a mark indicating that you have watched it will be displayed.

●If you delete the app, the viewed marks will be reset.
●The "viewed" mark will only be displayed on the "sakanaction APP".
It will not be displayed when viewed from the web or on the PC site.

In addition, due to the layout renewal, videos that have already been watched [before January 31, 2023] will no longer be displayed.
If you watch the video again, you will be given viewing points (5 points) only once.

Please note that even if the "already viewed" mark has disappeared,​ ​points may still be awarded.

Other questions about the app

If the above does not resolve your issue, please contact us using the details below.

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