What is "STATUS"?
When you earn a certain number of points, you will be assigned STATUS (= water depth) according to the STATUS.
The deeper you go, the deeper your understanding of SAKANACTION will be, and the more benefits you will receive according to STATUS.

・ MINAMO(水面) (minamo)/required points 0-499pt
・ ASASE(浅瀬) (asase)/required points: 500 to 2,999 points
・ CHUSO(中層) (chuso)/required points: 3,000 to 5,999 points
・ SHINKAI(深海) (shinakai) / Required points 6,000 and up

STATUS will change depending on the points you accumulate by taking "actions."
*The amount will change depending on when the points are reached.

You can earn points by continuing your membership, but you will earn more points if you use the service every day.

»Click here for details on STATUS

Other questions about "NF POINT PROGRAM"

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