SAKANACTION NF member service sakanaction NF POINT PROGRAM

The "NF POINT PROGRAM" is a program where you can earn points by performing various actions related to SAKANACTION


Background to the introduction of the points program

Thank you very much for your continued support of SAKANACTION. As part of the NF member membership system, we have introduced a points program where you can earn points according to your actions towards SAKANACTION. See details

Thank you very much for your continued support of SAKANACTION.
As part of NF member membership system, we have implemented a points program where points can be accumulated based on actions taken towards SAKANACTION.
Until now, NF member have been given priority in the advance ticket lottery draw, but thankfully, the proportion of annual members has been increasing day by day.
Therefore, if we continue to hold lotteries using the same rules in the future, it is expected that we will not be able to provide equal lottery benefits to all annual members. In order to improve this situation, we have introduced a system where you can earn points for each year you remain NF member, and where actions you take in support of SAKANACTION 's activities are reflected in points.
NF POINT PROGRAM is operated under the concept of allowing users to gain a deeper understanding of SAKANACTION 's activities through the use of our content.
The key is to take various "actions" that will lead to an understanding of our activities, and by accumulating these actions STATUS will change, so we aim to provide a service that you can use for longer and on a deeper level.
We will continue to operate our services to ensure that you can enjoy using them, so we appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

1.What are NF points?

NF Points is a service that allows you to earn points by taking daily "actions" such as using SAKANACTION app and watching content.
As you accumulate points, they will be reflected in one of four STATUS according to the number of points you have, and you will receive benefits according to STATUS.

What are NF points?

2. How do I earn points?

NF points can be earned by performing various actions such as launching the app or viewing content.

  • ゆっくり派のあなたは、このペースだと3ヶ月目には水面から浅瀬までステイタスアップ。

    Major actions to be taken in one month

    • App launch

      1pt x 10

      Earn 10 points by starting the app 2 days a week (10 days a month)

    • content

      5pt x 10

      Earn 50 points by watching 2 videos per week (10 videos per month)

    • content

      5pt x 1

      Earn 5 points for watching 1 video per month

    • YouTube
      Highly rated

      1pt x 10

      Earn 10 points for 2 highly rated videos per week (10 videos per month)


      10pt x 5

      Post once a week (5 times a month) to earn 50 points

    Plus extra points to accumulate

    You can get points just by joining or renewing your membership!

    • New membership

      Annual membership fee course 240pt
      Monthly Membership Fee Course 20pt

    • Membership Continuation

      Annual membership fee course 300pt
      Monthly Membership Fee Course 20pt

    • ・Birthday points (50 points) during your birthday month
    • ・Subscribe to the "SAKANACTION official YouTube" channel to receive 10 points!
  • コツコツ貯めたい派のあなたは、このペースだと2ヶ月目には水面から浅瀬までステイタスアップ。

    Major actions to be taken in one month

    • App launch

      1pt x 20

      Earn 20 points by starting 4 days a week (20th of the month)

    • content

      5pt x 15

      Earn 75 points by watching 3 movies per week (15 movies per month)

    • content

      5pt x 2

      Earn 10 points for watching 2 videos per month

    • YouTube
      Highly rated

      1pt x 15

      Earn 15 points for 3 highly rated movies per week (15 movies per month)


      10pt x 15

      Post 3 times a week (15 times a month) to earn 150 points


      1pt x 5

      Earn 5 points by playing once a week (5 times a month)

    Plus extra points to accumulate

    • ・If you enter a live show using the electronic ticket in SAKANACTION app, you will receive 10 points!
    • ・Present the app when purchasing merchandise at the venue and receive points!
      Membership authentication (2 points) + points according to purchase amount (10 to 100 points)
  • ガンガン貯めたい派のあなたは、このペースだと当月には水面から浅瀬までステイタスアップ。

    Major actions to be taken in one month

    • App launch

      1pt x 30

      Earn 30 points by starting every day (30th of the month)

    • content

      5pt x 25

      Earn 125 points by watching 5 movies per week (25 movies per month)

    • content

      5pt x 15

      Earn 75 points by watching 3 movies per week (15 movies per month)

    • YouTube
      Highly rated

      1pt x 25

      Earn 25 points for 5 highly rated movies per week (25 movies per month)


      10pt x 25

      Post 5 times a week (25 times a month) to earn 250 points


      1pt x 15

      Earn 15 points by playing 3 times a week (15 times a month)

    Plus extra points to accumulate

    • ・Receive points based on your SAKANA PUZZLE score and the number of puzzles you clear!
      Points based on your score (1-10 points) + points based on the number of cards you clear (1-5 points)
    • ・If you receive "cotton" from members or staff within SAKANACOMMUNITY, you will receive 50 points!

Action Details

  • New membership

    Earn points when you sign up

    Points will be awarded on the same day as registration

    Monthly membership fee:20pt

    Annual membership fee:240 points

  • Membership Continuation

    Earn points by continuing your membership

    Points are awarded on the 1st of every month

    Monthly membership fee:20 points (every month)

    Annual membership fee:300 points (per month)

  • Birthday Points

    Earn points during your birthday month

    Points are awarded on the 1st of every month


    • *The month of your birth will be the month registered in your membership information.
    • *If you join in the middle of your birth month, points will be awarded at any time after joining.
    • *Eligible for grant from January 2020 onwards.
    • *If you join after your birth month, points will not be granted retroactively.
  • App launch

    Start the app once a day to earn points

    Points will be awarded within the next day


  • View content

    Earn points by viewing content

    Points will be awarded within the next day


    • *1 Awarded for first viewing of content
    • * Playlist will only be awarded the first time you view a playlist; viewing points will not be awarded for each update.
    • *Some content may not be included.
    • *"Technocion Quotations ARCHIVE" is not included.
  • Watching STREAMING

    Earn points when you watch live streams

    Points will be awarded within the next day



    Post and earn points

    Points will be awarded within the next day


    • * Only one point will be awarded per day, regardless of the number of posts.

    When I received cotton from the members and staff


    • * Only one point will be awarded per day, regardless of the number of posts.

    Earn points as you play

    Points will be awarded within the next day


    • *Maximum 5 points per day

    Earn points according to your score

    480 points: 1pt / 1,000 points: 2pt / 2,000 points: 3pt / 5,000 points: 4pt / 10,000 points: 5pt /50,000 points: 6pt /100,000 points: 7pt / 500,000 points: 8pt / 1,000,000 points: 9pt / 10,000,000 points : 10pt

    Clear your collection of paintings

    1 piece: 1pt / 3 pieces: 2pt / 5 pieces: 3pt /

  • Survey responses

    Earn points by answering surveys that are conducted on an irregular basis

    Points will be awarded on the same day as registration

    (NFMG, content surveys, visitor surveys, etc.)

  • Live admission

    Earn points when you attend a SAKANACTION concert using the electronic ticket in SAKANACTION app.

    Points will be awarded within the next day after the visit


    • *Some performances/electronic tickets are not eligible.
    • *Point allocation may be delayed depending on communication conditions.
    • *If you are unable to confirm that your points have been awarded, please restart the app in a location with a good internet connection and check the following day to see if your points have been awarded.

    Purchase at the official store

    Points will be awarded after shipment is completed

    10pt~4,999  yen40pt5,000 yen~9,999  yen100pt10,000 yen~

    • *Points are awarded according to the amount of each purchase.
    • *This offer applies to purchases made after January 18, 2020.
    • *Some award dates may vary.
    • *For purchases made after February 24, 2021, if there are multiple orders placed on the same purchase date, the cumulative points limit for all orders on the same purchase date will be limited to 100 points.
  • Purchase official merchandise at the venue

    Buy official merchandise at the venue

    Points will be awarded within the next day after purchase

    10pt~4,999  yen40pt5,000 yen~9,999  yen100pt10,000 yen~

    • *Points will be awarded based on the total purchase amount on that day.
  • Membership authentication when purchasing official merchandise at the venue

    When purchasing official merchandise at the venue, present the QR code on your My Page to earn points.

    Points will be awarded within the next day after purchase


    • *Points will be awarded based on the total purchase amount for one performance (one day).



    • *Points will be awarded based on the total purchase amount for one performance (one day).
  • YouTube Integration

    Link NF member and YouTube (Google) accounts and earn points by taking actions.

    Points will be awarded within a few days

    Subscribe to "SAKANACTION official YouTube" (only once)

    Like a video on "SAKANACTION official YouTube" (only once per video)

    • *Actions taken on channels other than those listed above will not earn NF points.
    • *The applicable channels may be subject to change. We will notify you of any changes.
    • *Please note that the content may change or the service may be terminated due to changes in YouTube specifications, etc. In such cases, we will announce it on the website.
  • *If you cancel your membership, all points you have earned will expire. If it is within three months of the membership expiration date, you can renew your membership and your accumulated points will continue to be valid. Please note that you will not receive any new points if you take any action during the membership period.
  • *If you have cancelled Monthly Membership Fee Course or Annual membership fee has expired at the time points are awarded, points will not be awarded.
  • *Occasions eligible for point rewards may change at any time without notice. Also, there may be cases where points are not awarded. Please note in advance.

3.What is STATUS?

STATUS represents the "depth" of the water you are currently in, and the deeper you go, the deeper your understanding of SAKANACTION will be, and the more benefits you will receive according to STATUS.

STATUS Case Image

By accumulating a certain number of NF points, STATUS will increase. However, there is a minimum number of points required to reach STATUS STATUS

  • *Minimum required points acquisition period: January to December every year
  • *If you do not earn the "minimum required points" between January and December of each year, "negative points" equal to the "minimum required points" set for each STATUS will be deducted.
  • STATUS up from MINAMO(水面) to ASASE(浅瀬) water

    Points earned from January to December: 500 points

    If you start with 0 points and earn 500 points in 12 months, you will STATUS from MINAMO(水面) to ASASE(浅瀬) Water.

  • STATUS keeps from ASASE(浅瀬) to ASASE(浅瀬)

    Points earned from January to December: 700 points

    Since you have already earned the minimum points of 300 for "ASASE(浅瀬)," you will not receive any negative points and STATUS will remain ASASE(浅瀬).

  • STATUS down from SHINKAI(深海) to CHUSO(中層)

    Points earned from January to December: 200 points

    Because you did not earn the minimum 500 points required for "SHINKAI(深海)", you will receive negative points and your STATUS will be downgraded to CHUSO(中層).

    Total points earned: 6200pt - minus points: 500pt = 5700pt

Regarding STATUS downgrade

STATUS has a "minimum required points" that must be earned, which is a minimum number of points set for each STATUS. If you do not earn the "minimum required points" between January and December of each year, "negative points" equal to the "minimum required points" set for each STATUS will be deducted. For example, if you do not take any action for a year, this is to encourage fluctuations in the number of people in each STATUS so that those who take action every day will be given preferential treatment. Please note that STATUS may be downgraded depending on the number of points lost. We recommend that you earn points by using the service every day.

Minimum required points / Minus points









最低必要ポイント 獲得期間:

Eligible STATUS:
STATUS as of 23:59 on December 31st of each year is applicable.
Timing for deducting points from the target:
Every January
How to check:
Confirmed points for the year
You can check your points earned by year in the "Annual Points History" section of your My Page.
You can check if points have been deducted by checking your points history.

  • *Display name: "2021-01-27 Minimum required points not obtained. Minus points -●● points"
  • *If this is not displayed, you have already earned the "minimum required points" and no deductions will be made.
  • * Only those who have not reached the minimum required points will have their points deducted.

4. What are STATUS benefits?

There are benefits for each STATUS according to the number of points.

Benefits for each STATUS achieved

Previously sold and distributed bonuses


  • *You can check your current number of points and the history of points you have earned from My Page after logging in.
  • *If you cancel NF member, all points and STATUS you have earned will be invalidated. Expired points cannot be restored for any reason. Please be aware of this.

Expiration date

Monthly Membership Fee Course: 1st day of the 4th month after the month of cancellation
Annual membership fee course: 1st day of the 4th month from the membership expiration date

  • *If you re-enroll with the same ID before the expiration date (within 3 months of the expiration date), your membership information and points will be carried over. Note that you will be awarded renewal points instead of new enrollment points. If you change from Monthly Membership Fee Course to an Annual membership fee membership plan, you will be awarded new enrollment points for Annual membership fee plan at the time of the change.
  • *No new points will be awarded if you take action during the expiration date.
  • *Service content may change without notice.
  • *Please note that there may be performances to which STATUS benefits do not apply.
  • *The timing of point allocation differs for each point. Please note that it may take some time for the points to be reflected.
  • *If you have cancelled Monthly Membership Fee Course or Annual membership fee has expired at the time points are awarded, points will not be awarded.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)/Inquiries

We are answering frequently asked questions about NF POINT PROGRAM.

  • Do NF points have an expiration date?

  • What does "Next status until XXPT" and "XXPT to keep your status" mean?

  • When does STATUS increase?

  • Regarding MOVIE content, will points only be awarded for videos I am about to watch?

  • Can I win tickets if I am a new member or have only been a member for a short time?

  • How does STATUS of my companion affect the preferential treatment I receive when purchasing tickets in advance?

  • How many members are there in each STATUS?

  • I joined the month after my birthday, will I still receive points?

  • My birthday was before the points program started, so I won't be able to receive points?

  • I purchased it from the official store, but the expiration date had passed by the time it was shipped. In this case, will I still be able to receive points?

  • I earned 550 points in SHINKAI(深海) this year. Will STATUS be reduced?

  • I am in CHUSO(中層) and have 4,000 points, but I was unable to collect the minimum required points in a year. Will STATUS change to ASASE(浅瀬)?

  • I have 500 points in ASASE(浅瀬), but I was unable to collect the minimum required points in a year. Will STATUS change to MINAMO(水面)?

  • I earned 600 points in a year and upgraded STATUS from CHUSO(中層) to SHINKAI(深海) in December. If I earn the minimum required points of 400 points for CHUSO(中層), will the points be deducted?

  • I made two orders of over 10,000 yen on the same day at the official store. Will I still receive 200 points?

This will be updated from time to time.
Please send your request using the form below.
If you have any further questions, please contact us using the inquiry form.

Your request is here

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