2018/03/08 NEWS

"It's because I listened to Bach's Melody at Night" has been chosen as the official theme song for the "Miracle Escher Exhibition"

The "Miracle Escher Exhibition" will be held at the Ueno Royal Museum from June 2018." as the theme song.It's because I listened to Bach's melodies at night.It has been decided that " will be used.

When I was in elementary school, I liked to sneak a peek into my mother's bookshelf, who is an artist. There were many art books there, which were different from picture books, but contained only pictures without words, and I remember simply staring at them.

That was the first time I encountered Escher's work. Even as a child, I was amazed by Escher's unique worldview, which was like getting lost in a painting, like a poisonous but delicious fruit, and I can't forget the impulse I felt to want to share this feeling with someone! Thinking about it now, I think that Escher's spiral-like paintings, which have no beginning or end, are similar to the excitement of encountering a new musical melody.

I learned for the first time that Escher, who hated socializing, only had one hobby: listening to Bach, and that this was how our song came to be used as the theme song for the "Miracle Escher Exhibition." It made sense to me, as there seemed to be some similarity between Bach's repeating and changing melodies and the spirals in Escher's paintings.

We are really happy that our music has been connected to Escher's work in this way. We hope that this will be an opportunity for many people to experience Escher's work.

生誕120年 イスラエル博物館所蔵
ミラクル エッシャー展 奇想版画家の謎を解く8つの鍵 supported by 弁護士法人 東京ミネルヴァ法律事務所

20世紀を代表する版画家のひとり、マウリッツ・コルネリス・エッシャー (1898-1972)。生誕120年を記念して開催する本展では、世界最大級のエッシャーコレクションを誇るイスラエル博物館の所蔵品から選りすぐりの約150点を日本初公開。代表的な“トロンプ・ルイユ(だまし絵)”の作品に加え、実際にありそうで現実には存在しない<<相対性>>など代表作のほか初期の作品や木版、直筆のドローイングなどから、エッシャーが唯一無二と評される作品を生み出す過程を8つのキーワードを通じて紐解きます。

開館時間:10:00~17:00 金曜日は20:00まで *入館は閉館の30分前まで
数量限定 特製クリアファイル付前売券:1,400円
数量限定 図録付前売券:3,500円

