2017/01/26 NEWS

The special exhibition "SAKANACTION ICHIRO YAMAGUCHI 's Bookshelf" is being held by the Otaru Literature Museum

In Otaru, ICHIRO YAMAGUCHI 's hometown, the Otaru Literature Museum will be holding a special exhibition titled "SAKANACTION 's ICHIRO YAMAGUCHI 's Bookshelf."
The exhibition will feature Otaru at that time and the literature and music that ICHIRO YAMAGUCHI was exposed to.

Dates: Thursday, January 26th to Sunday, April 9th, 2017
Closed: Mondays (except March 20th), January 31st (Tue) - February 2nd (Thu), February 14th (Tue), March 21st (Tue) and 22nd (Wed)
Admission fee: 300 yen for adults, 150 yen for high school students and seniors in the city, free for junior high school students and younger

Exhibition details