2016/08/29 NEWS

ICHIRO YAMAGUCHI provided original music for the "au×HAKUTO MOON CHALLENGE" TV commercial.

SAKANACTION provided an original song for the TV commercial "We are all space brothers."
ICHIRO YAMAGUCHI will appear alongside HAKUTO representative Hakamada Takeshi.

It will begin airing nationwide on August 31st.


I am truly grateful for the opportunity to support this grand project, "au×HAKUTO MOON CHALLENGE," from the perspective of a musician.

Initially, I was planning to create an easy-to-understand support song as a tie-up song, but as I discussed with the HAKUTO members and researched the moon and space, my approach to the composition of this song gradually changed.

Space is a place that is so far away and beyond the reach of humans.
People involved in space engineering, like the members of HAKUTO, pool their knowledge and advance technology every day, bringing space closer little by little.

Space becomes closer through the combination of hard work by hard people and the resulting cutting-edge technology.

By experiencing their efforts and technology towards space up close, we thought that it would be appropriate for the CM song to express through music the image of them heading towards space and the future, so we replaced the "efforts of down-to-earth people" and "cutting-edge technology" with "chorus" and "electronic music" to create a HAKUTO support song that is uniquely SAKANACTION.

In fact, the choral melody we adopted has been performed at live shows in the past and will be familiar to those who have been supporting SAKANACTION for a long time, and we had been hoping to complete it as a song someday.
We are thrilled that we were able to complete this song, which was still in the process of evolving, and we hope to take it even further together with the au x HAKUTO project.